Chris Hall | Business Partner & Financial Advice Provider
Phone: 0223 200 698
FSPR: FSP558146
Bach. Business (University Technology, Sydney)
Chris has considerable experience ans success across a broad range of industries having worked in Sydney, London, Melbourne and now Nelson over 25 years. in helping organisations improve.
Chris’ enjoys working with all clients from small to medium, to large businesses. Chris' expertise is helping them improve, growing wealth, ensuring their business is achieving it's goals and targets and protecting them from unforeseen incidents that will reduce wealth and income that will affect the family wellbeing.
Chris has been successful across multiple industries holding high-level leadership and governance roles, helping businesses and people achieve their commercial and personal goals. Chris enjoys partnering with clients to protect the things that matter most to them.
Chris completed his Bachelor of Business at University of Technology, Sydney in 1997 and qualified as a Financial Adviser (FSP558146) NZ in 2017 .
Chris is a passionate family man, a keen on and off-road cyclist, a technology nut, a tenacious character and with an entrepreneurial mindset.
Christopher Frank Thomas Hall is a Financial Advice Provider (FSP558146), trading as Ascentium Limited.
Professional standards:
Chris is bound by the duties of the Financial Markets Conduct Act to:
1. Meet the standards of competence, knowledge and skill
2. Give priority to the clients’ interest and
3. Exercise care, diligence and skill and
4. Meet the standards of ethical behavior, conduct, and client care
that are set out in the Code of Conduct.